We need your help! Please consider volunteering your time and services at My Earth My Action. What you do will make a significant impact in the fight against Climate Change and the fight for Climate Justice!
We need help to develop smart phone apps to help people set and track their goals and their reduced impact on the Earth and the climate. The app will also allow people to buy MEMA Footprint Reduction Tokens to further offset their personal climate impact.
These “Footprint Reduction Tokens” are part of a program we have developed to allow individuals to purchase climate footprint offset credits similar to the way corporations buy carbon credits.
Additionally, we need your help to more fully develop our website and our other social media applications - enabling us to tell the stories of climate change and its impact on the most vulnerable. We will also tell the stories of people making a difference - by doing little things every day!
My Earth. My Action!
Copyright © 2025 My Planet Action, Inc. • A 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization • All Rights Reserved.
"My Earth. My Action!" is the trade name of My Planet Action, Inc. All Rights reserved.